Module 4: Bonus Exercise Results

if (!requireNamespace("yeastRNASeq", quietly = TRUE)) 



# only keep genes with cpm > 25 in more than two samples

# table of TRUE/FALSE values
genes_passing_cutoff <- cpm(geneLevelData) > 25 

# For each gene, add up how many samples it is TRUE in (rowSums())
# Then only keep those strictly greater than 2.
genes_keep <- rowSums(genes_passing_cutoff) > 2

# Finally subset the data
filtered <- geneLevelData[genes_keep,]

# How many genes pass this threshold?
## 'data.frame':    4552 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ mut_1: num  38 31 55 189 33 23 51 50 40 39 ...
##  $ mut_2: num  39 33 52 180 41 13 52 48 47 40 ...
##  $ wt_1 : num  35 40 47 151 32 73 54 30 14 55 ...
##  $ wt_2 : num  34 26 47 180 29 63 45 32 25 70 ...
#  as.matrix(filtered): the count data in the right class
# phenoData: The sample information

group <- factor(rep(c("Mut", "WT"),each=2), 
    levels = c("WT","Mut")) # we tell R to use "WT" as the reference
y <- DGEList(as.matrix(filtered), 
           group = group)  

## matrix of experimental design 
mod = model.matrix(~group, y)

## Normalize data
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "upperquartile")
y <- estimateDisp(y, mod)

fit = glmFit(y, mod)
lrt = glmLRT(fit, coef = 2)
diffEx2 <- decideTestsDGE(lrt, 
## diffEx2
##   -1    0    1 
## 1049 2209 1294
DEGS = topTags(lrt, n=nrow(y))$table
## check out differentially expressed genes
##            logFC   logCPM
## snR10   6.268938 11.39811
## YGL088W 6.195050 11.32542
## snR18   6.183593 10.98786
## snR35   6.078012 10.50997
## snR9    5.769437 11.19751
## snR8    5.562905 10.34273
##               LR PValue FDR
## snR10   4545.409      0   0
## YGL088W 4314.679      0   0
## snR18   3453.878      0   0
## snR35   2221.059      0   0
## snR9    3846.696      0   0
## snR8    2140.791      0   0
DEGS_sig = DEGS[DEGS$FDR < 0.05,]
##            logFC   logCPM
## snR10   6.268938 11.39811
## YGL088W 6.195050 11.32542
## snR18   6.183593 10.98786
## snR35   6.078012 10.50997
## snR9    5.769437 11.19751
## snR8    5.562905 10.34273
##               LR PValue FDR
## snR10   4545.409      0   0
## YGL088W 4314.679      0   0
## snR18   3453.878      0   0
## snR35   2221.059      0   0
## snR9    3846.696      0   0
## snR8    2140.791      0   0
## [1] 2343    5

Now merge the DEG and table with the table with the table that has the up/downregulated status:

# needed to use merge function
diffEx2 <- 
# give column more intuitive name
colnames(diffEx2)[1] <- "gene_status"

# add the common "gene" column to merge the two tables
diffEx2$gene <- rownames(diffEx2)
DEGS$gene <- rownames(DEGS)

mega <- merge(x = DEGS, y = diffEx2, by="gene")

Assign the column name for gene status:

is_sig <- rep("n.s.", nrow(mega)) # default is ns
is_sig[which(mega$gene_status > 0)] <- "Upregulated"
is_sig[which(mega$gene_status < 0)] <- "Downregulated"

# use levels() to tell R how to order the categorical 
# variables. Downregulated = 1, n.s.=2, and Upregulated=3. 
# By default, R orders categorical variables alphabetically,
# which may not make sense!
mega$is_sig <- factor(is_sig, 
    levels = c("Downregulated","n.s.","Upregulated"))

Finally create the volcano plot:

p1 <- ggplot(mega, 
    aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(FDR))) + # -log10 conversion  
    geom_point(aes(color=is_sig),size = 2/5) +  
    xlab(expression("log"[2]*"FC")) + 
    ylab(expression("-log"[10]*"FDR")) + 
        values = c("dodgerblue3", "gray50", "firebrick3")) 
