Module 4: Finding differentially expressed genes with RNA-seq

We are going to look at genes differentially expressed between Luminal and Basal subtypes of breast cancer.

For this we are going to download data from The Cancer Genome Atlas [ADD LINK] readily available in BioConductor.

Mini introduction to BioConductor

BioConductor is the most popular software repository for genomics data analysis, and is worth exploring in detail. This R-based ecosystem is open-source and community built. It contains software LINK packages but also DATA and ANNOTATION packages.

Examples of packages in BioConductor:

  • Data package: The entire human genome sequence e.g., for the current GRCH38 build
  • Data package: Multi-modal genomic data from The Cancer Genome Atlas for various tumour types
  • Annotation package: Annotation for the Illumina DNA methylation array
  • Software: DEseq to process RNAseq data, minfi to process DNA methylation array data, CHIPseeker for Chip-Seq data, etc.,

As we will see, BioConductor also has specialized data structures for bioinformatics operations. Data structures are specialized, standardized formats for organizing, accessing, modifying and storing data.

Examples of BioConductor data structures:

  • GenomicRanges: for working with genomic coordinates
  • SummarizedExperiment: container for storing data and metadata about an experiment
  • MultiAssayExperiment: container for experiments where multiple genomic assays were run on the same samples

BioConductor uses its own package manager to install packages. Instead of install.packages() we use, BiocManager::install().

 if (!requireNamespace("curatedTCGAData", quietly = TRUE)) 

Fetch breast cancer data using curatedTCGAData

Load the package:


Let’s take a look at the available data for breast cancer, without downloading anything (set Each row shows a data layer available. e.g., “mRNA” is transcriptomic data, “CNA” is chromosomal copy number aberration data, etc.,

curatedTCGAData(diseaseCode="BRCA", assays="*",, version="2.0.1")
## snapshotDate(): 2021-10-19
## See '?curatedTCGAData' for 'diseaseCode' and 'assays' inputs
##     ah_id                                      title file_size                 rdataclass
## 1  EH4769                       BRCA_CNASeq-20160128      0 Mb           RaggedExperiment
## 2  EH4770                       BRCA_CNASNP-20160128    9.8 Mb           RaggedExperiment
## 3  EH4771                       BRCA_CNVSNP-20160128    2.8 Mb           RaggedExperiment
## 4  EH4773             BRCA_GISTIC_AllByGene-20160128    1.2 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 5  EH4774                 BRCA_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128      0 Mb RangedSummarizedExperiment
## 6  EH4775     BRCA_GISTIC_ThresholdedByGene-20160128    0.3 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 7  EH4777  BRCA_Methylation_methyl27-20160128_assays   60.7 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 8  EH4778      BRCA_Methylation_methyl27-20160128_se    0.4 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 9  EH4779 BRCA_Methylation_methyl450-20160128_assays 2646.4 Mb           RaggedExperiment
## 10 EH4780     BRCA_Methylation_methyl450-20160128_se      6 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 11 EH4781                 BRCA_miRNASeqGene-20160128    0.6 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 12 EH4782                    BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128   27.3 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 13 EH4783                     BRCA_Mutation-20160128    4.5 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 14 EH4784                  BRCA_RNASeq2Gene-20160128   43.1 Mb                     DFrame
## 15 EH4785              BRCA_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128   64.5 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 16 EH4786                   BRCA_RNASeqGene-20160128     30 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
## 17 EH4787                    BRCA_RPPAArray-20160128    1.5 Mb       SummarizedExperiment
##    rdatadateadded rdatadateremoved
## 1      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 2      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 3      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 4      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 5      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 6      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 7      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 8      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 9      2021-01-27             <NA>
## 10     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 11     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 12     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 13     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 14     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 15     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 16     2021-01-27             <NA>
## 17     2021-01-27             <NA>

We want to get unprocessed gene expression read counts, so let’s fetch the BRCA_RNASeq2Gene-20160128 layer. You can use ?curatedTCGAData to see a description of all data layers.

brca <- suppressMessages(

This call returns a MultiAssayExperiment object. Recall that this is a container for storing multiple assays performed on the same set of samples. See this tutorial to learn more.

Let’s briefly explore the brca MultiAssayExperiment object.

## A MultiAssayExperiment object of 1 listed
##  experiment with a user-defined name and respective class.
##  Containing an ExperimentList class object of length 1:
##  [1] BRCA_RNASeqGene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 20502 rows and 878 columns
## Functionality:
##  experiments() - obtain the ExperimentList instance
##  colData() - the primary/phenotype DataFrame
##  sampleMap() - the sample coordination DataFrame
##  `$`, `[`, `[[` - extract colData columns, subset, or experiment
##  *Format() - convert into a long or wide DataFrame
##  assays() - convert ExperimentList to a SimpleList of matrices
##  exportClass() - save data to flat files

assays() returns a list with all -omic data associated with this object. Here we just have the one we downloaded.

## [1] "List object of length 1 with 0 metadata columns"

names() shows the datatypes in each slot of assays():

## [1] "BRCA_RNASeqGene-20160128"

So gene expression in slot 1.

We can subset the data to see what it looks like. Let’s look at just the first five measures, for the first 10 samples:

xpr <- assays(brca)[[1]]
##       TCGA-A1-A0SB-01A-11R-A144-07 TCGA-A1-A0SD-01A-11R-A115-07 TCGA-A1-A0SE-01A-11R-A084-07
## A1BG                           164                          546                         1341
## A1CF                             0                            0                            0
## A2BP1                           22                            1                            2
## A2LD1                          127                          331                          498
## A2ML1                           94                          144                          114
## A2M                         102123                       107181                       101192
##       TCGA-A1-A0SF-01A-11R-A144-07 TCGA-A1-A0SG-01A-11R-A144-07
## A1BG                           836                          512
## A1CF                             1                            3
## A2BP1                            0                           25
## A2LD1                          526                          451
## A2ML1                           77                           76
## A2M                          50316                        45826

How many measures do we have?

## [1] 20502

Prepare data for differential expression analysis

Process the expression values:

cnames <- colnames(xpr)
hpos <- gregexpr("-",cnames)
tmp <- sapply(1:length(cnames),function(i) {substr(cnames[i],1,hpos[[i]][3]-1)})
idx <- !duplicated(tmp)

# subset values
tmp <- tmp[idx]
xpr <- xpr[,idx]
colnames(xpr) <- tmp

Patient metadata is contained in the colData() slot. Rows contain data for each patient and columns contain measures such as clinical characteristics:

pheno <- colData(brca)
##  [1] "patientID"                            "years_to_birth"                      
##  [3] "vital_status"                         "days_to_death"                       
##  [5] "days_to_last_followup"                "tumor_tissue_site"                   
##  [7] "pathologic_stage"                     "pathology_T_stage"                   
##  [9] "pathology_N_stage"                    "pathology_M_stage"                   
## [11] "gender"                               "date_of_initial_pathologic_diagnosis"
## [13] "days_to_last_known_alive"             "radiation_therapy"                   
## [15] "histological_type"                    "number_of_lymph_nodes"               
## [17] "race"                                 "ethnicity"                           
## [19] "admin.bcr"                            "admin.day_of_dcc_upload"
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 5 columns
##                 patientID years_to_birth vital_status days_to_death days_to_last_followup
##               <character>      <integer>    <integer>     <integer>             <integer>
## TCGA-A1-A0SB TCGA-A1-A0SB             70            0            NA                   259
## TCGA-A1-A0SD TCGA-A1-A0SD             59            0            NA                   437
## TCGA-A1-A0SE TCGA-A1-A0SE             56            0            NA                  1321
## TCGA-A1-A0SF TCGA-A1-A0SF             54            0            NA                  1463
## TCGA-A1-A0SG TCGA-A1-A0SG             61            0            NA                   434
## TCGA-A1-A0SH TCGA-A1-A0SH             39            0            NA                  1437

Let’s confirm that samples are in the same order in the xpr matrix and in the metadata table pheno.

ids_in_both <- intersect(pheno$patientID, colnames(xpr))
pheno <- pheno[which(pheno$patientID %in% ids_in_both),]
xpr <- xpr[,which(colnames(xpr) %in% ids_in_both)]

if (all.equal(pheno$patientID, colnames(xpr))!=TRUE) {
    midx <- match(pheno$patientID, colnames(xpr))
    xpr <- xpr[,midx]

Always check that samples are in the same order in the tables you are comparing, and use match() to reorder them if necessary. If they are not in the same order, you are matching data to the wrong sample, and your results will be wrong.

This table has many columns. Let’s just keep those related to tumour type according to the PAM50 classification. What tumour types do we have in this dataset?

pheno <- pheno[,c("patientID","PAM50.mRNA")]
##    Basal-like HER2-enriched     Luminal A     Luminal B   Normal-like 
##            90            55           216           117             7

Let’s limit the comparison to Luminal A and Basal type tumours.

idx <- which(pheno$PAM50.mRNA %in% c("Luminal A","Basal-like"))
pheno <- pheno[idx,]
xpr <- xpr[,idx] 

## [1] 306   2
## [1] 20502   306

Differential expression analysis with edgeR

Now that the data are prepared, let’s created a DGEList object (DGE stands for “Differential Gene Expression”). This object is what we will use for our differential expression analysis.

Note: Make phenotype of interest categorical. In R that means converting to a factor type with categorical levels. You can think of levels as ordinal representations (e.g., first level = 1, second = 2, etc., )

If levels= are not set, the default uses alphabetical order. We recommend explicitly setting levels so that there are no assumptions.

Load the edgeR package:


Let’s create a DGEList object for the differential expression analysis. Note that group must be a categorical variable (use factor() to convert it to one):

group <- factor(
        levels=c("Luminal A","Basal-like")
dge <- DGEList(
    counts = xpr,
    group = group

Remove low-count genes: To filter low count genes, we’re going to use a normalized count measure called cpm (counts per million). We are going to keep genes with 100 or greater counts per million for at least two samples:

## A1BG           546         1341         1126         1433          626         2502          592
## A1CF             0            0            1            0            1            4            1
## A2BP1            1            2            4            1            1            0            0
## A2LD1          331          498          838          831         2948          883          487
## A2ML1          144          114          127          119          367          335           87
## A2M         107181       101192        81857       128591        27972        32286        35748
## A1BG           503          660          485         1269          870         1392          297
## A1CF             4            1            3            5            2            1            0
## A2BP1            2            1           11            0            7           18            0
## A2LD1          384          694          534          200          454          932          161
## A2ML1         7435        13543        89424         3088          160          250         4770
## A2M          38122        70012        76814       178113        50336        75809        37519
## A1BG          1240          919         1422          688          532         1628
## A1CF             0            1            0            0            0            4
## A2BP1            2            1            8            1            6            3
## A2LD1          335          111          589          329          458          468
## A2ML1           76          217           65          168          162          102
## A2M          76407        45968        18353       197374        85242        85978

Look at counts per million using cpm:

## A1BG    6.40538988  10.40014782  7.874879329 11.979028558  4.544931080
## A1CF    0.00000000   0.00000000  0.006993676  0.000000000  0.007260273
## A2BP1   0.01173148   0.01551103  0.027974705  0.008359406  0.007260273
## A2LD1   3.88312097   3.86224729  5.860700602  6.946666247 21.403285660
## A2ML1   1.68933359   0.88412890  0.888196869  0.994769294  2.664520298

This next line is a bit complex so let’s unpack it:

  • We are using cpm(dge)>100 as a logical test (“which genes have cpm > 100?”).
  • For each gene, we want that test to be true for at least two samples. For this we use rowSums() to add up how many samples meet that criteria.
dim(dge) #before 
## [1] 20502   306
tokeep <- rowSums(cpm(dge)>100) >= 2
dge <- dge[tokeep,keep.lib.sizes = FALSE]
dim(dge) #after
## [1] 7699  306

Normalize the data:

dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)

Visualize the data:

    col=c(1,2), pch=16

Let’s create a model design to identify genes with a group effect:

group <- dge$samples$group
mod <- model.matrix(~group)

Estimate variation (“dispersion”) for each gene:

dge <- estimateDisp(dge, mod)

Call differentially expressed genes.

Here we:

  • fit a model for each gene, using glmFit
  • we have built in an estimate of gene-wise dispersion to better identify treatment effect (or “contrast”)
  • for each gene, we run a likelihood ratio test which compares which model fits the data better: a null model (treatment effect = 0) or a full model (treatment effect is non-zero)

Note that coef=2 fetches the effects for the treatment effect; coef=1 would fetch effects of the intercept term.

fit <- glmFit(dge,mod)
diffEx <- glmLRT(fit, coef = 2) # get coefficients for group term

Look at the top 10 differentially expressed genes:

tt <- topTags(diffEx, n=10)
## Coefficient:  groupBasal-like 
##             logFC   logCPM       LR        PValue           FDR
## ART3     4.437401 3.455108 795.7399 4.552774e-175 3.505180e-171
## EN1      4.493149 4.469186 568.8034 1.022382e-125 3.935658e-122
## MTHFD1L  2.072720 4.744988 548.6874 2.429549e-121 6.235032e-118
## CLDN6    5.917771 1.735389 528.0710 7.423651e-117 1.428867e-113
## CENPW    2.628365 3.806891 523.0933 8.985654e-116 1.383611e-112
## IL12RB2  3.981078 3.080989 507.2309 2.539169e-112 3.258177e-109
## TTLL4    1.857331 5.441088 504.0036 1.279029e-111 1.406749e-108
## CXorf49B 6.007052 1.678586 484.6339 2.096210e-107 2.017340e-104
## GFRA3    4.890609 1.725042 468.7621 5.958600e-104 5.097251e-101
## HAPLN3   2.737617 5.215775 460.3033 4.129466e-102  3.179276e-99

For the next steps we’re going to need stats on all the genes we’ve tested. So let’s get those:

tt <-
    topTags(diffEx, n=nrow(dge)

A QQplot directly compares the pvalues from our statistical tests to the expected values from a random uniform distribution (p-value selected at random).

A deviation from the x=y line (diagonal) towards the top indicates an enrichment of signal.

    runif(nrow(tt)), # randomly sample from uniform distribution
    xlab="p-values from real data",
    ylab="Randomly-sampled values from Uniform distribution",

# x=y line as reference

Now let’s call differentially expressed genes using the decideTestDGE() function and use summary() to see how many genes are upregulated (value +1), downregulated (value -1) and not called as changed (value 0)

diffEx2 <- decideTestsDGE(diffEx, 
##        groupBasal-like
## Down              2813
## NotSig            1681
## Up                3205

A volcano plot can help visualize effect magnitude - log2 fold-change or log2FC in the table ` against the corresponding p-value. Here we create a volcano plot, and colour-code upregulated genes in red, and downregulated genes in blue.

Note that we are combining two different tables, tt and diffEx2 so we need to ensure the order is the same. Otherwise the colours will be in the wrong order (try it for yourself!).

midx <- match(rownames(tt), rownames(diffEx2))
diffEx2 <- diffEx2[midx,]

cols <- rep("black",nrow(diffEx2))
cols[which(diffEx2>0 )]  <- "red"
cols[which(diffEx2<0)]  <- "blue"
# volcano plot

Finally we can write our differential expression results out to file:



  • Install the yeastRNASeq package from Bioconductor and library it into your environment
  • Import the geneLevelData using: data("geneLevelData")
  • Learn about this data and then put it through the same workflow we just did for the breast cancer:
  1. Create a new DGEList object with your gene counts
  2. Filter genes with CPM > 25 in at least two samples
  3. Normalize and plot your data
  4. Create a model matrix for analysis
  5. Fit your model
  6. How many significantly up-regulated genes are there at the 5% FDR level? How many significantly down-regulated genes? How many in total
  7. Create a volcano plot
  8. Bonus: Create a histogram of p-values. Is there a signal?

Is there anything about the data that might make you question the results?